Watch Merlin - The Darkest Hour Part 1 (Season: 4 Episode: 1)

There are many ways to escape from being board in all day work but most of it are are too expensive and sometimes are too risky.Such as sports that can lead you to injury or disco that might caused you to be in trouble and many others that might have same situation with the example above.

Watching an episode is the most recommended for me because it does not need more expense, it is relaxing and far from danger because you don't need to go out just simply stay at home,open your television with your snacks besides.Out of it you will be entertained,enjoyed and might learned something good for life to apply from the story.

With this site you can choose any episode that for you is the most watchable,acceptable and convenient in  time to watch.Below are the details of an episode that you might like to watch and where to watch.

The Show:
     Merlin - The Darkest Hour Part 1 (Season: 4 Episode: 1), to be aired on October 1, 2011 at 7:30 pm  in BBC-1, your most loved host station and at your most convenient hour. So don't waste your time..BE THERE!!
Merlin is to face his toughest challenge yet when Morgana's blind determination puts at risk Arthur's future as well as the very balance of the world. With her unbounded powers at their highest, the sorceress uses powerful magic to tear the mystical veil between worlds making the mighty Cailleach to come forth. Hellish creatures are released and wander around, killing everyone who succumbs to their touch. With Uther but a mere shadow of his former self, it comes down to Arthur and his loyal knights to safeguard the kingdom. However, swords won't be enough to vanquish the newest threat and Merlin is utterly shocked to find out what it'll take to restore the equilibrium of the world: a sacrifice of unimaginable proportions is required.