Once Upon a Time - Pilot (Season 1, Episode 1)

Watch   Once Upon a Time - Pilot  (Season 1, Episode 1), to be aired on October 23, 2011 at 9:00 pm  in  ABC, your most loved host station and at your most convenient hour. So don't waste your time..BE THERE!!

Watching an episode is a relaxing habit and surely far from danger because you don't need to go out just simply stay at home,open your  television with  your snacks besides and even you're anywhere in the world you can update and watch your  favorite shows online. Out of it you will be entertained,enjoyed and might learned something good for life to apply from the story.

 Episode followers deserve of what they need and because you're one of them this site try to input all the information of your favorite TV series. So for the overview of this series check it out below and have fun.
Emma does not believe in Henry's stories, and she brings him back to Storybrooke, where she is captivated by an unusual boy. Concerned for the boy, she decides to stay for a while, but soon discovers that Storybrooke is more than a simple town. It's a place where magic has been forgotten, but it's still there, where fairytale characters come alive, even though if they do not remember who they once were, and the Evil Queen, is now Henry's foster mother. An epic battle is beginning, and for the good side to win, Emma will have to accept her destiny and fight for it.